#Emilymatters Christmas eCard 2017


Through drama and creativity, we help empower women and young people to use their voice and be heard.

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Detail from our animated Christmas eCard.

C H R I S T M A S   e C A R D

Celebrate the suffragette legacy with one of our #Emilymatters Christmas eCard, the original card was made exclusively for us in Yorkshire by Clavis & Claustra.

Why not spread some feminist festive cheer with our classic animated eCard! Fill in the form below the still image screenshot & it’ll wing its way to you post haste!

As we look to next year’s historic UK women’s suffrage anniversary, our ‘Christmas Rebel‘ brings festive good cheer to 21st century suffragettes

To find out more about our upcoming campaigns, see our #Emilymatters page. We’re developing a series of exciting new projects for 2018 and beyond!

You can find us on social media:

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So get your suffragette skates on and fill in the form to get your own #Emilymatters Christmas animated eCard!

Please enter your details below

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Your Email (required)



    At Woman Up! London – part of our Outreach portfolio.

    The performance was a beautiful mix of the old and the new: reminding us of the struggles of the brave women of our past, and encouraging us to do something in the present. I could not be more inspired or happy that we had the honour of seeing the #Emilymatters performance at Woman Up. Just like the first time I saw them perform, I can’t wait to see them again.
    – Yas Necati, campaigner & Woman Up! co-organiser