#GE2015 – Storify
#V O T I N G M A T T E R S – G E N E R A L E L E C T I O N S T O R I F Y
The UK general election took place on 7 May 2015, with the biggest turnout since 1997.
#Emilymatters began its #Votingmatters campaign in 2014, with the aim of encouraging more women and young people to vote. The campaign has included Twitter chats #DearLauren messages to a first time voter.
More about Emilymatters:
- A social media campaign
- Includes my Emily Davison play ‘To Freedom’s Cause‘
- Supports & advances gender equality
- Particular focus on #Votingmatters for young people & women
We’re busy planning new projects, so please do get in touch via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or the website.
And here’s our suffragette #Votingmatters storify for the 2015 UK general election: