Why #votingmatters Chat – the Leaders’ debate – 02 April


 # V O T I N G M A T T E R S   C H A T   –    T H E   L E A D E R S ’   D E B A T E   –   0 2   A P R I L


Here’s a brief overview of the #vmleaders chat, which took place after ITV’s Leader’s debate on 2nd April 2015. See the post chat blog for more information.



VM_L_02Apr15_Q1_first replies list.




VM_L_02Apr15_Q2_first replies list.

If you missed the Leaders’ debate and want a brief introduction to each of the 7 leaders, see our pre Why #votingmatters chat post for 15 second clips (from the BBC Election team) about each of them, as well as links to further information.

The Emilymatters team includes a young political activists and we continue to build partnerships with other campaigns and organisations, including the WEAThe Peoples’ Politics, Fawcett BSE and now mi-voice.

We’re planning the next stage of the campaign, working alongside @RegistHERtoVote, which will include an exciting new campaign to encourage more young people and women to vote.

And we’d love you to join us!

Get in touch. We’re on:






Kate Willoughby
Actor & Writer of Emily Wilding Davison play To Freedom’s Cause




A rising tide carries all VOTES!