#GE2015 Toolkit
# G E 2 0 1 5 – T O O L K I T

Image from the excellent @RegistHERtoVote campaign.
Click on the time to go to the voter registration webpage.
The deadline to register to vote in the UK general election is 20 April 2015.
How the General Election works in 60 seconds
Y Vote? from the excellent League of Young Voters @youngvotersuk.
Y Vote from UK Young Ambassadors on Vimeo.
There’s a growing number of apps and websites to help you find out more about each party and your local candidates.
@_votr is a brilliantly simple app to use and was created by Zak Cutner and Freddie Poser. It helps you find out which local candidate you agree with most. Zak and Freddie are teenage coders who I met at last year’s Young Rewired State’s Festival of Code in August 2014.
Votes for Policies does exactly what it says on the tin – it’s another good way to find out which party’s policies you agree most with.
About My Vote is a great website, which includes a search facility to find your local electoral registration office and information on elections in your area.
The above suggestions are just a sample of what’s out there.
Please let me know if you’ve found them helpful and if you find any other apps or websites that you think can help voters make a more informed decision about who to vote for please get in touch!
Thank you.
Kate Willoughby
Actor & Writer of Emily Wilding Davison play To Freedom’s Cause
A rising tide carries all VOTES!