#Emilymatters: 2014
# E M I L Y M A T T E R S : 2 0 1 4
Thank you so much for your support in 2014. Here’s a collection of images that sum up the first #Emilymatters year. Plans are in progress for 2015 and beyond, so please do keep in touch.
A new #Emilymatters website is in development and will be online in the New Year.
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Emily matters is a social media campaign to support and advance gender equality, particularly focusing on the importance of voting, which was created in early 2014 as part of an historic event in the House of Commons in support of Emily Thornberry MP‘s campaign for a statue of suffragette Emily Davison.
The evening included a performance of ‘To Freedom’s Cause’ & a discussion on equality matters chaired by BBC Radio 4 ‘Woman’s Hour’ presenter Jane Garvey with Chi Onwurah MP, Dr Helen Pankhurst (Great Granddaughter of Emmeline Pankhurst), noted feminist campaigner Yas Necati & broadcaster Emma Barnett.
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May 2014 saw the first voting-related #Emilymatters campaign during the European & local elections, which drew in photos and positive tweets, from all over the UK and beyond, in the lead up to and on polling day itself.
September 2014 was the month that Scotland decided to remain within the United Kingdom. Talking with Independence Referendum voters inspired the new #Votingmatters project, which included a high tech swingometer.
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For Emily Davison’s birthday on 11 October 2014 (now also the UN’s International Day of the Girl), the #Votingmatters campaign drew in photos as well as #DearLauren messages to a first time voter.
Lauren was a 17 year old student in Glasgow. Independence Referendum included 16 and 17 year olds in the electorate, so Lauren was eligible to vote. As yet undecided on the eve the Referendum, she had a very different view on politics in general:
I don’t really care … I’m not really interested in it. I think it’s very boring.
– Lauren, Glasgow
And she is not alone. At the last general election only 39% of young women aged 18-24 voted, whilst just 20% of BAME young women used their right to vote.
It is Lauren who has been the biggest influence on the focus and interactive nature of the #votingmatters project.
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The Why #votingmatters Twitter chats first began in November. Ayath Ullah, is a community champion, whose latest projects include Mock Recruit. Ayath has been incredibly supportive of the campaign and his direct involvement in the running of the Twitter chats has been invaluable.
If you’re a 21st century suffragette who believes that #votingmatters follow the campaign on social media for updates, including more details about the next Why #votingmatters Twitter chat:
Wherever you are from, whatever your age or background, your voice matters.
Together we can make a positive difference, just like the suffragettes, whose creativity and solidarity saw them through the worst of times and brought about change for good.
If you’re new to #Emilymatters, welcome.
And if you’ve helped and supported ‘To Freedom’s Cause’, #Emilymatters & #Votingmatters, thank you. Couldn’t have done it without you.
Here’s to a meaningful 2015 – happy, healthy & one that makes a positive difference!
Kate Willoughby
Actor & Writer of To Freedom’s Cause
Emily Davison’s legacy is for life, not just for 2013.