2014: Parliament event – Press Release

PRESS RELEASE: For Immediate Release

The Emily Davison Statue in Parliament Campaign in association with Kate Willoughby Productions presents

A special Parliamentary performance and debate around the life of suffragette Emily Wilding Davison and the impact of her legacy on feminism today.

The aim of the event is to increase awareness of the campaign launched by Emily Thornberry in June 2013 calling for a statue of Emily Davison to be erected in Parliament.


To Freedom’s Cause’, the campaign for equality – still worth fighting for?




Event information

  • Date and time: Thursday 13th February: 6.00pm
  • Venue: Jubilee Room, Houses of Parliament


This special event includes:

  • a debate on the influence of Emily Davison’s legacy on feminism today 
  • a short play To Freedom’s Cause, a new slant on Emily’s life as campaigner for equality.

Supporters will be invited to sign a petition to erect a statue in Parliament and the debate will be opened on Twitter, using the hashtag #Emilymatters.


Emily Thornberry MP comments:

Emily Wilding Davison was a great campaigning feminist. Her struggle continues and she remains an icon for women even over a century after her death.”

A statue of Emily Davison in Parliament will make a strong statement about the progress made so far in women’s issues as well as a call to action for true equality. However, change will not occur by symbolic gestures alone.

The event will focus on Emily’s living legacy, which continues with campaigns such as ‘No More Page 3’ and the ‘Everyday Sexism Project’. Yet, at the last election, only 39% of women aged 18 to 24 voted. The continued erosion of political engagement amongst young women in particular undermines the hard won achievements of feminism’s first wave.

The panel includes Dr Helen Pankhurst, great-granddaughter of Emmeline Pankhurst and granddaughter of Sylvia Pankhurst, Yas Necati, feminist campaigner and winner of The Guardian Women awards 2013: Best hope for the future (UK) and Emma Barnett (writer and broadcaster).

There will also be an exclusive presentation of To Freedom’s Cause – a new play about Emily Wilding Davison, directed by Brian Astbury and written by Kate Willoughby.

*** Exclusive – by invitation only – presentation on Thursday 13th February at 6.00pm ***



For all press enquiries please contact Kate Willoughby on kate@katewilloughby.co.uk. The writer and director are available for interview.



By invitation only

13th February: 6.00pm, Jubilee Room, Houses of Parliament

EWD Statue petition:  http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/51269

Website:  https://www.katewilloughby.co.uk/

Twitter @2FCPlay or search for: #Emilymatters


About the Emily Davison Statue in Parliament Campaign

Launched by Emily Thornberry MP at the Emily Davison Memorial event in Westminster Hall on Wednesday 5th June 2013. The campaign calls for a statue of Emily Davison to be erected in Parliament.

About To Freedom’s Cause

Described as ‘a joyous and moving portrayal’ of Emily Wilding Davison’s life (A Younger Theatre), To Freedom’s Cause tells the stories of ordinary women who take on the Establishment to effect change as they campaign for the vote with gender and political ramifications that still resonate today.  

Through contact with family members, writer Kate Willoughby has also uncovered new insights into that fateful Derby day – one of the earliest uses of modern media to promote direct political action.

To Freedom’s Cause is directed by Brian Astbury (Founder and Artistic Director of South Africa’s first non-racial theatre, The Space) with Musical Direction by Rhona Finch (A Fiver’s Worth of Courage, The Cornish Mystery Plays). Rousing suffragette anthems, combined with traditional Northumbrian folk music will be sung live by the cast of five.




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